Frequently asked questions
We hope that the most frequently asked questions below will help you, however if you have any question or query that is not covered here please do not hesitate to contact us on 01992 414222 or email
Q. When a report is purchased how quickly will I receive it?
A. The online report will be available to view instantly and will remain in your account history for 12 months.
Q. How do I get the best price for your reports?
A. You can buy any of our Gold, Silver or Bronze packages through our online shop, however if you need a tailored package you can contact us for a tailored quote. Link here
Q. Where is your information gathered from?
A. Primarily our information comes from Companies House, but we gather data from various sources to compile the most up to date and detailed information.
Q. What causes a risk score / credit limit to change?
A. When a risk score/credit limit alters this can be due to a multitude of different things. Most commonly it will be the latest financial accounts or derogatory information being filed, however it can be industry changes, director filings or changes or late filings of documentation at Companies House.
Q. Are your reports recognised by credit insurance companies for discretionary limits?
A. Yes, we are recognised by all the major credit insurance companies on their policies.
Q. How do we upgrade from one service to include another provided?
A. Depending on the service you wish to upgrade to or add to your existing products you can either do this via the online shop section or, contact us directly on or call on 01992 414222.
Q. What is company monitoring and how does it work?
A. Our system enables you to monitor limited companies for numerous changes including new financial information, derogatory data and risk score changes. To monitor companies that you have checked simply add it to your monitoring list by ticking the box – any updates will be sent via email as and when the changes take place.
Q. To obtain a package how do we upgrade?
A. You will now be able to buy any of our Gold, Silver or Bronze packages online through our online shop, however if you need a tailored package you can request an account or contact us.
Q. If we have a query, what is your procedure to respond to them?
A. Queries will be dealt with by email or phone within our office hours but we aim to respond within 24 hours of receipt of the query.
Q. How do we terminate our online subscription?
A. To enable us to give you the most competitive prices we have a 3 month termination policy, so for example if your annual agreement ends on 01/01/2021 either party would need to have provided written termination no later than 30/09/2020.
If you have a question that is not covered in the above list please feel free to contact us directly on or 01992 414222.