Credit checks are necessary since clients you work with not being able to pay can cause great harm to your business. One of your main trading partners going insolvent, for instance, could have a real impact on your business and your workforce. 

Here at Creditserve, our job is providing businesses with UK and worldwide Credit checks, tailored to your needs. We have over 25 years of industry experience and are market leaders, meaning you can rely on our thorough credit checks. 

Guarding against credit risks is all about preventing your business from being harmed financially. Let’s go a bit more into how to reduce credit risk.


Can you spot any red flags early on?

A vital part of effective checks for credit risks is identifying any red flags early on. An example of a red flag would be a spiral in company risk score and credit limit or if there has been any other negative information filed such as CCJs.

Early prevention and detection of red flags is a key part of credit checks and reducing credit risks. Fortunately, here at Creditserve, our custom credit packages are specially designed to identify red flags early on that could potentially pose a threat to the financial stability and reputation of your business.

Carry out ‘know your customer’ checks

You want to keep things above board and avoid doing business with an entity engaging in illegal or malpractices at all costs. KYC (‘know your customer’) checks are a key factor of AML checks. Therefore, know your customer checks are an integral part of protecting your business from credit risks.  

You can achieve this using Creditserve’s ultimate credit management gold package that goes the extra mile to provide you with

  • Unlimited access to business and reports in the UK and Ireland
  • Unlimited access to outlook reports on UK sole traders and partnerships
  • Unlimited access to individual director's reports within the UK
  • Unlimited access to statutory image documents including annual accounts and returns
  • Company monitoring 
  • Ten online overseas credit reports
  • Access to our debt collection services

At Creditserve, our company credit check packages are bespoke and able to meet your needs, whichever industry you operate in.

Image of a piggy back and a doctor signifying financial health.


International credit checks

Want to conduct credit checks on international business partners you are hoping to work with? Here at Creditserve, we offer international credit checks in 19 European countries and the USA as well as a host of 24-hour turnaround countries and freshly investigated ROW country reports.


Ensure you have a reliable debt collection service to fall back on

At some point, you may need a debt collection service. Here at Creditserve, we understand that cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. Found yourself in trouble? Let our specialist commercial debt collectors take care of your debt recovery. 

Looking to use a company credit check provider that can make your credit decisions clearer and reduce credit risks? Contact us today on 01992 414222 or send an email over to